builders contractors
Recommended Builder Sydney


Do you offer an initial consultation? What does the service involve and how much does it cost?
Yes, John Nettle would be very happy to meet with you for an initial, free consultation. As with any renovation or new home it is one of the biggest decisions you will make. We believe in helping people with our many years of experience in the do's and don'ts of building and we are very happy to pass this on with no obligation, just to ensure that your building experience is a happy and successful one.

Is it free to get a quote?
We would be more than happy to provide any potential client/architect with a free quotation of their renovation or new building, whether that is a small kitchen or bathroom renovation, small addition, a larger renovation or a new complete building.

What should I look for when choosing a builder?
We believe you should choose a builder that you can trust, one that has a solid and proven record in building. At Nettle Construction we believe in being transparent, no hidden costs and no surprises. Take your time in this very important decision that you are about to make and do not allow yourself to be pressured or rushed into a choice with a pushy builder; make sure that you feel comfortable with the builder you select. Our clients know exactly what they are getting before they sign the contract. Do your research of the builder through different avenues like the department of fair trading or through any past clients, architects, designers etc. We hear so many horror stories of people that have had bad experiences with builders which could have been avoided if they had just spent a little more time researching.

Please feel free to use our printable PDF building checklist of some of the most important questions we feel are important at Nettle Construction to ask your potential builder.

How do I know you are the right builder for my project?
At Nettle Construction we work hard to provide quality workmanship, honesty & transparency in all aspects of the building process. We also believe in not only a strong and professional working relationship throughout the building process with our clients, architects, interior designers etc. But also in maintaining and turning that into a healthy and ongoing friendship and supportive relationship once the project has been brought to completion. We would hope that you would think to use Nettle Construction again in any future renovations you may have as many of our previous clients have done. If these qualities are what you are after in a builder then do not hesitate to contact Nettle Construction.

Can I talk to anyone you have done work for?
We are very happy for you to talk with any of our past clients, architects, interior designers or draftsman that we have worked together with for any references or information etc. We would also be very happy to organise walk through inspections of any of our past projects.

Do I have to use an architect?
Although many of our clients do use architects we do have a number that also use either a draftsperson or interior designer. Depending on what you would like in your design, the level of finishes, your budget, the level of detail in the drawings is all based on your individual requirements. This is a decision that Nettle Construction would be happy to help you with, if needed, at no obligation.

Can you recommend an Architect or Building Designer?
Nettle Construction has had a long history working with some of the best architects, designers and draftspersons and we would be most happy to recommend any of these to suite you budget & requirements. On our recommendation they would be able to give you a no obligation free fee proposal for their services.

Can I use my own suppliers/materials (e.g for the kitchen/bathroom)?
Approximately 80% of our clients give us a schedule of their chosen fixtures & finishes and then we provide a supply and install quotation as part of the overall project build cost. However, we are more than happy for our clients to choose and purchase their own fixtures and fittings e.g. tiles, tapes, sinks, appliances, light fixtures, carpets etc. and have them delivered on our request.

Who will be my point of contact during the project?
The point of contact during the entire building process will be John Nettle, the owner and director of Nettle Construction.

Will you be on site everyday?
All building trades and building works undertaken by Nettle Construction will be supervised and quality controlled by the owner of the company (John Nettle) during the entire construction phase. You have chosen a builder for a reason and it is important and your right to expect that is who you are dealing with rather than a sub contractor.

Can I visit the site during the project?
Yes, you may visit the site during construction. On the larger renovations or new builds where the client is not living in the property, a time is usually set up that fits in with the client or if an architect & designer are involved then a time that suits everybody. This is usually done on a weekly basis throughout the duration of the project. These meetings are designed so that all involved can see the progression of the project and deal with any issues or questions that may arise as the works unfold. Due to O.H.S reasons access can only be given with the builder's permission and is actually a requirement in the signed contract.

Can I make variations if I want to change something?
Yes, you can make variations at any time during the building process. The client or architect must put the variation in writing to Nettle Construction who will give the client a quote on the variation requested giving either a + or – cost to the original contact price. Only after the client agrees to the variation and has signed off on the variation as accepted will Nettle Construction proceed with the accepted variation. Please note that it is strictly against any building contract for a builder to do any variation which alters the agreed contract price without a signed variation quote showing the costs involved with the variation.

What council fees might be involved?
The following are typical fees charged by councils for renovations/extensions and new homes:

  • Development application
  • Planning and reform
  • Compliance levy
  • Advertising
  • Building Construction Certificate
  • Inspection fees
  • Long Service Levy
  • Sewer inspection fees

When is the best time to build a home?
Any time of year is generally a great time of year to build or renovate your home in relation to weather conditions, especially when it comes to building in NSW. There are many other more important factors that need to be considered for each individual client in seeking the best time for the individual and their current circumstances.

Do I have to sign a contract before work begins?
Yes, by law any builder must provide a written contract for residential building work if the contract price is over $1,000 (including GST). Jobs worth between $1,001 and $5,000 require a written 'small job' contract with minimum basic information, while building jobs worth more than $5,000 must be covered by more extensive written contracts. At Nettle Construction we use industry recognized contracts draw up by The Master Builders Association specifically tailored toward the building industry. At Nettle Construction we recommend that all our future clients seek up to date information on the Department of Fair Trading website in relation to contracts before taking on any building works.

Does the builder need to take out Home Owners Warranty insurance for and on behalf of his clients?
Home warranty insurance needs to be provided by a builder or tradesperson before taking any money (including a deposit) from a home owner under a residential building contract and before starting any work under that contract Insurance threshold

From 1 February 2012, home warranty insurance is required to be obtained where the contract price is over $20,000 or, if the contract price is not known, the reasonable market cost of the labour and materials involved is over $20,000

At Nettle construction we recommend that all our future clients seek the most current information on the Department of Fair Trading website in relation to Home warranty insurance before taking on any building works.

Does my builder need to have a current Builders licence at the time of contract signing?
Any builder or tradesperson who contract and/or carry out specialist work (i.e. electrical wiring, plumbing, gas-fitting, air-conditioning and refrigeration) require a licence regardless of the value of the work.

At Nettle Construction we recommend that all our future clients seek the most current information on the Department of Fair Trading website in relation to licensing before taking on any building works.

addition practice

Licence No. 190342C
Nettle Construction Pty Ltd
ABN 121 541 606